Günümüzde kent yaĢamının monotonluğundan ve yoğun iĢ temposundan bunalan insanlar, günlük yaĢam içerisinde rekreasyonel aktiviteler yapmalarına olanak sağlayacak açık ve yeĢil alanlara ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Açık-yeĢil alan sistemi içerisinde bulunan parklar; hizmet alanları, yaĢ grupları, ideal büyükleri bakımından farklılık göstermekle birlikte kentlinin günlük yaĢam kalitesine katkılar sağlamakta ve ihtiyaçlara göre Ģekillenmektedir. Bu çalıĢmada; Ordu kenti, Altınordu ilçesinde bulunan 78 adet parkı peyzaj mimarlığı bakıĢ açısıyla irdelemek amaçlanmıĢtır.
Bu kapsamda ilk olarak TS 9111 ve TS 12576 standartları referans alınarak hazırlanmıĢ olan arazi gözlem formu ile park ve içerisinde bulunan donatı elemanları değerlendirilmiĢtir. Parkların büyüklükleri ile bulundukları mahallelerin nüfusları oranlanmıĢ, kiĢi baĢına düĢen park alanı, olması gereken ve ihtiyaç duyulan park alanı tespit edilmiĢtir. Kalite bakımından parklar; büyüklükleri, konumları, alan kullanım çeĢitlilikleri, zemin durumları, donatı elemanları, bakım-onarım durumları ve özel gereksinimli insanların kullanımı yönünden puanlandırılmıĢ, mevcut kalite düzeyleri ortaya konulmuĢtur. Arcmap 10.0 programı aracılığıyla 1/1000 ölçekli uygulama imar planına noktasal konumları iĢlenmiĢ olan parklara, 400 m yarıçaplı noktasal etkili hizmet alanları oluĢturularak parkların ulaĢılabilirliği tespit edilmiĢ ve haritalandırılmıĢtır. 173 kiĢi ile bire bir anket uygulaması yapılarak kullanıcıların en çok hangi parkı kullandıkları, memnuniyet düzeyleri ve parklarda karĢılaĢtıkları olumsuzluklar tespit edilmiĢtir. Sonuç olarak, kiĢi baĢına 2,40 m² park alanı düĢtüğü tespit edilen Altınordu‟da, toplamda 416.575 m² park alanı bulunduğu ve standarda ulaĢılması adına 15.620 m² alanın daha park olarak değerlendirilmesi gerektiği belirlenmiĢtir. Mevcut parkların etkili hizmet alanlarının bulundukları mahalleleri büyük oranda kapsadığı ve ulaĢılabilir oldukları görülmüĢ ve anket sonuçlarına göre kullanıcıların mahalle parklarındansa kıyı parklarını daha çok tercih ettikleri görülmüĢtür. Son olarak elde edilen tüm veriler ıĢığında tespit edilen sorunlara yönelik çözüm önerilerinde bulunulmuĢtur.,Nowadays, people who are overwhelmed by the monotony of urban life and busy work tempo need clear and green areas to allow them to do recreational activities in daily life. The parks within the open-green area system enable people to have recreational and recreational activities, including active and passive character. Parks; service areas, age groups, varying in terms of the ideal grand, contributes to the daily life of the urban people and are shaped according to needs. In this study; the aim of this study is to examine 78 parks in the Altınordu district of Ordu city. For this purpose, the parks areas are divided according to their function, determination of the amount of parking areas per person in the neighborhood scale, the activities that can be done, the use of safety, disabled use, planting, use according to climates, harmony with the environment, quality criteria and user satisfaction were exanimated.
In this context; the field observation form and parks and equipment included in it have been evaluated with reference to TS 9111 and TS 12576 standards. The sizes of the parks and the population of their neighborhoods were measured and the amount of parking areas per person, the amount required and the amounts needed were determined. Parks in terms of quality; They were rated for their size, location, range of use, ground conditions, equipment elements, maintenance-repair conditions and use of disabled individuals and current situations were put forward. With the help of Arcmap 10.0 program, point-to-point service areas have been constructed in the 1/1000 scale application development plan and the accessibility of the parks was determined and mapped by creating effective service areas with a radius of 400 m. One-to-one questionnaire was applied to 173 people and the questionnaires were evaluated through SPSS 16.0 package program, and users who used the park, satisfaction levels and the problems encountered in the parks were determined. In Altınordu where there is a 2.40 m² parks area per person, it is concluded that there is a total park area of 416.575 m² and 15.620 m² area should be considered as a park to reach the standard. It is seen that the effective service areas of the existing parks largely cover the neighborhoods where they are located and they are accessible and according to the results of the survey, it is seen that the users prefer coastal parks rather than neighborhood parks. Finally, in the light of all the data obtained, solutions were suggested for the problems identified.
Nowadays, people who are overwhelmed by the monotony of urban life and busy work tempo need clear and green areas to allow them to do recreational activities in daily life. The parks within the open-green area system enable people to have recreational and recreational activities, including active and passive character. Parks; service areas, age groups, varying in terms of the ideal grand, contributes to the daily life of the urban people and are shaped according to needs. In this study; the aim of this study is to examine 78 parks in the Altınordu district of Ordu city. For this purpose, the parks areas are divided according to their function, determination of the amount of parking areas per person in the neighborhood scale, the activities that can be done, the use of safety, disabled use, planting, use according to climates, harmony with the environment, quality criteria and user satisfaction were exanimated.
In this context; the field observation form and parks and equipment included in it have been evaluated with reference to TS 9111 and TS 12576 standards. The sizes of the parks and the population of their neighborhoods were measured and the amount of parking areas per person, the amount required and the amounts needed were determined. Parks in terms of quality; They were rated for their size, location, range of use, ground conditions, equipment elements, maintenance-repair conditions and use of disabled individuals and current situations were put forward. With the help of Arcmap 10.0 program, point-to-point service areas have been constructed in the 1/1000 scale application development plan and the accessibility of the parks was determined and mapped by creating effective service areas with a radius of 400 m. One-to-one questionnaire was applied to 173 people and the questionnaires were evaluated through SPSS 16.0 package program, and users who used the park, satisfaction levels and the problems encountered in the parks were determined. In Altınordu where there is a 2.40 m² parks area per person, it is concluded that there is a total park area of 416.575 m² and 15.620 m² area should be considered as a park to reach the standard. It is seen that the effective service areas of the existing parks largely cover the neighborhoods where they are located and they are accessible and according to the results of the survey, it is seen that the users prefer coastal parks rather than neighborhood parks. Finally, in the light of all the data obtained, solutions were suggested for the problems identified.