Bu çalışmada Kudoa anatolica ve K. niluferi türlerinin 28S rDNA genlerinin nükleotit dizilerine dayalı filogenetik analizleri amaçlanmıştır. Bu parazitler Karadeniz’in Sinop kıyılarında yakalanan Atherina hepsetus ve Neogobius melanostomus konaklarından izole edilerek tanımlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Kudoa anatolica’ya ait iki (AO-18, AO-20) ve K. nilüferi’ye ait bir (AO24) bir izolatın 28S rDNA gen bölgelerinin nükleotit dizileri belirlenmiş ve NeighborJoining, Maximum-Likelihood ve Maximum-Parsimony algoritmaları kullanılarak filogenetik analizleri yapılmıştır. Filogenetik analizler sonucunda üç farklı algoritma ile oluşturulan ağaçların topolojik olarak farklı oldukları görülmüştür. Bunun sebebi olarak 28S rDNA gen bölgesinin yüksek miktarda varyasyon içermesi bu nedenle cins yada daha yüksek seviyedeki taksonomik kategorileri kapsayan filogenetik çalışmalar için uygun bir genetik markör olmadığı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada Karadenize ait bir Kudoa soyhattına dair destekleyici genetik bulgularda ortaya konmuştur.,In the current study phylogenetic analyses depending on the nucleotide sequences of 28S rDNA of Kudoa anatolica ve K. niluferi were aimed. These parasites were isolated and identified from Atherina hepsetus and Neogobius melanostomus hosts from Sinop coasts of Blacksea. For this aim 28S rDNA nucleotide sequences belonging to two Kudoa anatolica isolates (AO-18, AO-20) and one K. niluferi isolate (AO-24) were determine and and phylogenetic analyses using Neighbor-Joining, Maximum-Likelihood ve MaximumParsimony algorithms were performed. As a result, topological differences were observed between phylogenetic trees created with three different algoritms. The reason of this case is the high amonth of variation within 28S rDNA gene regions which makes it unsuitable genetic marker for phylogenetic studies conserning genus or higher taxonomic levels. Additionally this study reveales additional genetic results supporting a Kudoa lineage specific to the Blacksea.
In the current study phylogenetic analyses depending on the nucleotide sequences of 28S rDNA of Kudoa anatolica ve K. niluferi were aimed. These parasites were isolated and identified from Atherina hepsetus and Neogobius melanostomus hosts from Sinop coasts of Blacksea. For this aim 28S rDNA nucleotide sequences belonging to two Kudoa anatolica isolates (AO-18, AO-20) and one K. niluferi isolate (AO-24) were determine and and phylogenetic analyses using Neighbor-Joining, Maximum-Likelihood ve MaximumParsimony algorithms were performed. As a result, topological differences were observed between phylogenetic trees created with three different algoritms. The reason of this case is the high amonth of variation within 28S rDNA gene regions which makes it unsuitable genetic marker for phylogenetic studies conserning genus or higher taxonomic levels. Additionally this study reveales additional genetic results supporting a Kudoa lineage specific to the Blacksea.