2017-2018 yıllarında yürütülen bu araştırmada, Ünye ve Fatsa ilçelerinde doğal
olarak yayılım gösteren kocayemişlerin (Arbutus spp.) pomolojik ve morfolojik
özelliklerini belirlemek ve ümitvar genotipler seçmek hedeflenmiştir. Bu bağlamda
incelenen 42 genotipte çeşitli özelliklere bakılmış ve tartılı derecelendirme metodu
ile elde edilen sonuçlar neticesinde 3 genotip ümitvar olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Çalışmada meyve ağırlığı 2.46-5.03 g, meyve boyu 13.03-19.40 mm, meyve eni
14.14-20.59 mm, meyve sapı uzunluğu 3.58-6.17 mm, yaprak boyu 35.32-61.43 mm,
yaprak eni 13.29-30.00 mm, tohum sayısı 19.77-32.56 adet, salkımdaki meyve sayısı
3.20-7.66 adet, titre edilebilir asit içeriği % 0.33-1.23, suda çözünebilir kuru madde
miktarı % 9.00-24.60, pH 3.62-4.42 ve meyve kabuk rengi açık kırmızı ile koyu
kırmızı arasında kaydedilmiştir.,
In this study conducted in 2017-2018, it was aimed to determine the pomological and
morphological characteristics of arbutus spp. (Arbutus spp.) Which are naturally
spreading in Ünye and Fatsa districts and to select promising genotypes. In this
context, various characteristics of 42 genotypes were examined and 3 genotypes
were evaluated as hopeful as a result of the weighted grading method. In the study,
fruit weight was 2.46-5.03 g, fruit length was 13.03-19.40 mm, fruit width was
14.14-20.59 mm, fruit stem length was 3.58-6.17 mm, leaf length was 35.32-61.43
mm, leaf width was 13.29-30.00 mm, number of seeds was 19.77-32.56 pieces. The
number of fruits in the cluster was 3.20-7.66, titratable acid content was 0.33-1.23%,
the amount of dry matter soluble in water was 9.00-24.60%, pH 3.62-4.42 and the
color of fruit rind was between light red and dark red.