This study was conducted in 3 locations (Samsun, Adana and Adapazari) with 30 dent corn (Zea mays L. indendata) samples (9 varieties and 21 lines) in 2008. Of these 30 dent corn samples, 12 are in FAO 700 group (140 days), 4 are in FAO 600-700 group (130 days), 8 are in FAO 600 (120 days) and 6 are in FAO 500 (100 days). In this study, plant length (cm), first corncob height, corncob diameter (mm), line count in a corncob, seed number in a line, 1000-seed weight (g), seed/corncob ratio (%) and grain yield per unit area (kg/da) were determined. The effect of location was found significant for all traits except for first corncob height (P<0.05 for seed number in line and P<0.01 for other traits). FAO variability affected 1000-seed weight and seed yield (P<0.01) and first corncob height (P<0.05). Grain yield per unit area (kg/da) were between 930-1511 kg/da in Adapazari, 784-1291 kg/da in Adana and 910-1219 kg/da in Samsun.