Bu çalışma, Ordu ili Fatsa ilçesi doğal muşmula (Mespilus germenica L.) popülasyonu içerisinde üstün nitelikli genotipleri belirlemek amacıyla 2015 ve 2016 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada incelenen 31 genotip meyve özellikleri yönünden (meyve ağırlığı, meyve eti oranı, suda çözünür kuru madde miktarı, toplam kuru madde ve C vitamin içeriği) tartılı derecelendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Tartılı derecelendirme puanlarına göre dört genotip (FM1, FM10, FM13 ve FM25) ıslah materyali olarak ümitvar olarak seçilmiştir.
Ümitvar genotiplerde ortalama meyve eni 31.2-40.5 mm, meyve boyu 33.8-35.5 mm, meyve ağırlığı 22.1-37.7 g, meyve hacmi 21.3-40.1 ml, çekirdek ağırlığı 1.8-5.2 g, meyve eti oranı %86.1-92.4, çiçek çukuru derinliği 7.2-12.2 mm, çiçek çukuru genişliği 18.5-25.5 mm, SÇKM %20.8-23.2, TEA %0.07-0.10, pH 3.6-4.2, toplam kuru madde miktarı %29.6-33.7 ve C vitamini içeriği 10.8-29.2 mg/100 g (2016 yılı) arasında belirlenmiştir.,This study was performed to determine the promising genotypes in the self-grown medlar (Mespilus germenica L.) population in the natural flora of Fatsa district of Ordu Province in 2015 and 2016. Relative scores were calculated based on fruit characteristics (fruit weight, flesh ratio, amount of water soluble dry matter, total dry matter and vitamin C content) for 31 genotypes examined in the study. Four genotypes (FM1, FM10, FM13 and FM25) were selected as promising for future breeding efforts according to their relative scores. Promising genotypes had a range of 31.2-40.5 mm for fruit width, for fruit length 33.8-35.5 mm, 22.1-37.7 g for fruit weight, 21.3-40.1 ml for fruit volume, 1.85.2 g for seed weight, 86.1-92.4%, for fruit flesh ratio, 7.2-12.2 mm for ostiole depth, 18.5-25.5 mm for ostiole width, 20.8-23.2% for TSS, 0.07-0.10% for TEA, 3.6-4.2 for pH, 29.6-33.7% for the total amount of dry matter content and 10.8-29.2 mg/100 g for vitamin C content.
This study was performed to determine the promising genotypes in the self-grown medlar (Mespilus germenica L.) population in the natural flora of Fatsa district of Ordu Province in 2015 and 2016. Relative scores were calculated based on fruit characteristics (fruit weight, flesh ratio, amount of water soluble dry matter, total dry matter and vitamin C content) for 31 genotypes examined in the study. Four genotypes (FM1, FM10, FM13 and FM25) were selected as promising for future breeding efforts according to their relative scores. Promising genotypes had a range of 31.2-40.5 mm for fruit width, for fruit length 33.8-35.5 mm, 22.1-37.7 g for fruit weight, 21.3-40.1 ml for fruit volume, 1.85.2 g for seed weight, 86.1-92.4%, for fruit flesh ratio, 7.2-12.2 mm for ostiole depth, 18.5-25.5 mm for ostiole width, 20.8-23.2% for TSS, 0.07-0.10% for TEA, 3.6-4.2 for pH, 29.6-33.7% for the total amount of dry matter content and 10.8-29.2 mg/100 g for vitamin C content.