Globe artichoke plays an important role in human nutrition, especially in the Mediterranean region. In this paper, we report a research aiming to detect the efficiency of two vegetatively propagation methods in 'Sakiz', a cultivar utilized in Turkey for fresh consumption, and in a genotype called No. 6, utilized for canned artichoke. Two experiments were set out. In the first one (ExI), the number of picked excessive offshoots (expect the three yielding offshoots) in spring (mid-April) and autumn (mid-October) were collected and the number of rooted offshoots were determined. In the second experiment (ExII), plants were uprooted and underground part was divided into pieces (200-350 g) with dormant buds named in stump. Furthermore, all the offshoots were collected and the number of rooted offshoots was determined in mid-October and mid-April. The stumps were treated for 60 minutes with 100-200 ppm GA(3) and 25-50 ppm BAP in order to force sprouting of buds and then planted in nursery. New offshoots formation was recorded on stumps also offshoot were planted for in the nursery. As a result, the highest offshoots yield in the year was determined with 141.68 offshoots/plant in ExII, where 3-year-old 'Sakiz' was used. The rates of rooting in offshoots were changed between 43.89 to 92.50%. Offshoot number in ExII was higher for 'Sakiz' plant than for clone No. 6.