Purpose: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence of apical periodontitis in 1768 root canal-treated teeth in an elderly Turkish population and to evaluate correlations between several factors and periapical status.
Methods: Panoramic radiographs were collected of 818 patients who were older than 60 years and attended the Faculty of Ordu University Dentistry for dental care. Teeth were classified as healthy or diseased, according to the periradicular status. Root canal filling, coronal restoration quality, and presence of postretained restorations were also evaluated.
Results: The prevalence of apical periodontitis was 26.7% in the elderly population. A statistically significant association between root canal filling quality and periapical health was detected. Coronal restoration quality also exhibited a statistically significant relationship with periapical health. No significant difference was recorded between the periapical status of teeth restored with and without posts.
Conclusion: Both technical quality of root canal filling and coronal restoration play key roles in endodontic treatment outcome. In the elderly population, the prevalence of poor root canal filling quality was very high and this problem might increase the need for retreatment or tooth loss in this population. Copyright (C) 2015, Asia Pacific League of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC.