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Çiğ Gölü (Mesudiye, Ordu)’nün Ekolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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dc.contributor.advisor Doç. Dr. Taş, Beyhan
dc.contributor.author Karakaya, Burcu
dc.date.accessioned 2022-08-12T06:35:42Z
dc.date.available 2022-08-12T06:35:42Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.date.submitted 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://earsiv.odu.edu.tr:8080/xmlui/handle/11489/1011
dc.description.abstract Çiğ Gölü Ordu ili Mesudiye ilçesinde bulunan, Mahalli Sulak Alan statüsüne sahip sığ bir yayla gölüdür. Çiğ Gölü ve sulak alanı arkeolojik ve doğal çevre değerleriyle önemli bir ekosistemdir. Alanda ilk kez yapılan bu limnolojik çalışmada, suyun fızikokimyasal özellikleri, bentik ve planktonik algleri (epifıtik alg, litoral fıtoplankton, tür çeşitliliği, bolluk, sıklık analizi) ve fotosentetik pigment içeriği incelenerek gölün ekolojik durumu belirlenmiştir. Haziran 2015 ile Mayıs 2016 tarihleri arasında kış ayları hariç her ay yerinde ve laboratuvarda kalitatif ve kantitatif analizler yapılmıştır. Fizikokimyasal analiz sonuçlarına göre gölün su kalite sınıfı belirlenmiş ve istatistiksel analizlerle yorumlanmıştır. Biyolojik tabanlı değerlendirmede ise dominant alg türleri, indikatör türler, fıtoplankton bileşik oranı, fıtoplankton fonksiyonel gruplan ve klorofıl-a konsantrasyonu dikkate alınmıştır. Çiğ Gölü’nün trofık yapısı Secchi diski derinliği, toplam fosfor ve klorofıl-a değerleri kullanılarak trofık statü indeksi ve trofık seviye indeksi ile belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucuna göre, Çiğ Gölü’nün kıyısal bölge su kalitesi çözünmüş oksijen ve toplam fosforun yıllık ortalama değerlerine göre II. sınıf (az kirlenmiş su; iyi), serbest klor değerlerine göre III. sınıf (kirlenmiş su; orta), diğer çevresel parametrelere göre I. sınıf (yüksek kaliteli su; çok iyi) su kalitesi özelliği taşımaktadır. Çiğ Gölü’nün bentik ve planktonik alg florasında yeşil algler dominanttır. İndikatör dominant cinslere göre göl tipi oligotrofık, fıtoplankton bileşik oranına göre mezotrofık, fıtoplankton fonksiyonel gruplarına göre (D, N, Na, Tc, Td, Xı, E, F, G, J, Hı, K, Lm, Lo, W2) ise mezo-ötrofık karakter göstermektedir. Pollusyon indeksine göre gölde orta-kirli seviyede organik kirlenme vardır. Trofık indeks sonuçları Çiğ Gölü’nün mezo-ötrofık olduğunu göstermiştir. Tüm değerlendirmeler neticesinde, Çiğ Gölü’nde doğal koruma alanı ve rekreasyon için belirlenen ötrofıkasyon riski sınır değerleri aşılmamıştır. Doğal süreçlerden ve antropojenik girdilerden büyük ölçüde etkilenen sığ göllerde, sucul ekosistemin su kalitesini ve ekolojik durumunu belirlemek için fizikokimyasal ve biyolojik parametrelerin bütünleşik olarak kullanılması iyi sonuçlar verir. Mahalli sulak alan olan ve koruma altına alınan Çiğ Gölü’nde bundan sonra yapılacak olan izleme ve koruma çalışmalarıyla hem biyoçeşitlilik korunur hem de ekoturizm potansiyeli geliştirilebilir.,Çiğ Lake is a shallow plateau lake with the status of Local Wetland located in Mesudiye town of Ordu. Çiğ Lake and wetland is an important ecosystem with archeological and natural environmental characteristic. In this limnological study made for the fırst time in the this fıeld, the ecological condition of the lake was determined by examining physicochemical characteristics of water, benthic and planktonic algae (epiphytic algae, littoral phytoplankton, species diversity, abundance, frequency analysis) and photosynthetic pigment contents. Between June 2015 and May 2016 qualitative and quantitative analyzes were carried out in situ and in the laboratory every month except winter months. According to the results of physicochemical analysis, the water quality class of the lake was determined and it interpreted with statistical analyzes. In addition, in biologically based evaluation, dominant algae species, indicator species, phytoplankton compound quotient, phytoplankton functional groups and chlorophyll-a concentration are taken into account. Using the trophic status, Secchi disk depth, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a values, of the Çiğ Lake was determined by trophic status index and trophic level index. According to the results of the study, the water quality of Çiğ Lake is class II (less contaminated water; good) quality according to the annual mean values of dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus, is class III (contaminated water; middle) quality according to firee chlorine values and is class I (high quality water; very good) quality according to other environmental parameters. Green algae are dominant in the benthic and planktonic algal flora of Çiğ Lake. In addition, it is oligotrophic lake type according to the indicator dominant species, mesotrophic according to phytoplankton compound quotient, meso-eutrophic character according to phytoplankton functional groups (D, N, NA, Tc, TD, X,. E, F, G, J, H,. K, Lm, L0, W2) demonstrated. According to pollution index, there is organic pollution in moderately polluted level in the lake. Trophic index results showed that Çiğ Lake is to be meso-eutrophic. As a result of ali the evaluation, the limits of eutrophication risk limits determined for natural conservation area and recreation in Çiğ Lake have not been exceeded. As a result of ali the evaluation, the extremity of eutrophication risk limits determined for natural conservation area and recreation in Çiğ Lake have not been exceeded. The integrated use of physicochemical and biological parameters gives good results to determine the water quality and ecological status aquatic ecosystem of the lakes highly influenced by natural processes and anthropogenic inputs. With the monitoring and conservation work to be carried out in Çiğ Lake which is a local wetland both biodiversity can protected and ecotourism potential can be improved. en_US
dc.description.abstract Çiğ Lake is a shallow plateau lake with the status of Local Wetland located in Mesudiye town of Ordu. Çiğ Lake and wetland is an important ecosystem with archeological and natural environmental characteristic. In this limnological study made for the fırst time in the this fıeld, the ecological condition of the lake was determined by examining physicochemical characteristics of water, benthic and planktonic algae (epiphytic algae, littoral phytoplankton, species diversity, abundance, frequency analysis) and photosynthetic pigment contents. Between June 2015 and May 2016 qualitative and quantitative analyzes were carried out in situ and in the laboratory every month except winter months. According to the results of physicochemical analysis, the water quality class of the lake was determined and it interpreted with statistical analyzes. In addition, in biologically based evaluation, dominant algae species, indicator species, phytoplankton compound quotient, phytoplankton functional groups and chlorophyll-a concentration are taken into account. Using the trophic status, Secchi disk depth, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a values, of the Çiğ Lake was determined by trophic status index and trophic level index. According to the results of the study, the water quality of Çiğ Lake is class II (less contaminated water; good) quality according to the annual mean values of dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus, is class III (contaminated water; middle) quality according to firee chlorine values and is class I (high quality water; very good) quality according to other environmental parameters. Green algae are dominant in the benthic and planktonic algal flora of Çiğ Lake. In addition, it is oligotrophic lake type according to the indicator dominant species, mesotrophic according to phytoplankton compound quotient, meso-eutrophic character according to phytoplankton functional groups (D, N, NA, Tc, TD, X,. E, F, G, J, H,. K, Lm, L0, W2) demonstrated. According to pollution index, there is organic pollution in moderately polluted level in the lake. Trophic index results showed that Çiğ Lake is to be meso-eutrophic. As a result of ali the evaluation, the limits of eutrophication risk limits determined for natural conservation area and recreation in Çiğ Lake have not been exceeded. As a result of ali the evaluation, the extremity of eutrophication risk limits determined for natural conservation area and recreation in Çiğ Lake have not been exceeded. The integrated use of physicochemical and biological parameters gives good results to determine the water quality and ecological status aquatic ecosystem of the lakes highly influenced by natural processes and anthropogenic inputs. With the monitoring and conservation work to be carried out in Çiğ Lake which is a local wetland both biodiversity can protected and ecotourism potential can be improved. en_US
dc.language.iso tur en_US
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.subject indicator Algae, Pollution Index, Shallow Lake Ecology, Water Quality, Wetland, Trophic Index.,İndikatör Algler, Pollusyon İndeksi, Sığ Göl Ekolojisi, Su Kalitesi, Sulak Alan, Trofık İndeks. en_US
dc.title Çiğ Gölü (Mesudiye, Ordu)’nün Ekolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi en_US
dc.type masterThesis en_US
dc.contributor.department Ordu Üniversitesi en_US
dc.contributor.department Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü en_US

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