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Results 4321-4330 of 5550 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Effect of a fishing closure on Chamelea gallina stocks along the Turkish coastDagtekin, Murat; Dalgic, Goktug; Erbay, Murat; Akpinar, Ilkay Ozcan; Aydin, Mehmet; Ozdemir, Süleyman; Karayucel, Sedat; Ozyurt, Caner Enver; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0002-6502-982X; 0000-0003-1163-6461; 0000-0003-0084-4433
2013Effect of Lycopersicon esculentum extract on apoptosis in the rat cerebellum, following prenatal and postnatal exposure to an electromagnetic fieldKokturk, Sibel; Yardimoglu, Melda; Celikozlu, Saadet D.; Dolanbay, Elif Gelenli; Cimbiz, Ali; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0001-5463-2634; 0000-0001-5636-3300; 0000-0001-5636-3300; 0000-0002-7553-5435
2023Sublethal concentrations of thiamethoxam induce transgenerational hormesis in cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii GloverGul, Hina; Guncan, Ali; Ullah, Farman; Ning, Xinyuan; Desneux, Nicolas; Liu, Xiaoxia; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0003-1765-648X; 0000-0001-6174-1425
2009Phosphorus Use Efficiency of Wheat Genotypes Grown in Calcareous SoilsKorkmaz, K.; Ibrikci, H.; Karnez, E.; Buyuk, G.; Ryan, J.; Ulger, A. C.; Oguz, H.; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0002-0522-3188
2022Estimation of the water footprint of kiwifruit: in the areas transferred from hazelnut to kiwiBilge Ozturk, Gulsah; Kavlak, Mehtap Ozenen; Cabuk, Saye Nihan; Cabuk, Alper; Cetin, Mehmet; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0002-8992-0289; 0000-0003-4859-2271; 0000-0002-0684-2247; 0000-0002-8317-2961; 0000-0002-5369-4494
2023The estimation of sex, age, and stature from the distal femoral cortical thicknessTeke, Hacer Yasar; Ozsoy, Sait; Duran, Semra; Renklidag, Tulay; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0003-2311-5145; 0000-0002-0851-5733
2009In vitro bulblet production from immature embryos of ornamental plant Ornithogalum platyphyllum Boiss.Aryf, Ypek; Sati, Coecue; Serkan, Uranbey; Demyr, Kaya Mehmet; Gurbuz, Bylal; Nepet, Arslan; Cengyz, Sancak; Guray, Akdooan; Sebahattyn, Oezcan; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0002-1192-3615
2014Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary InterventionKaya, Ahmet; Kurt, Mustafa; Tanboga, Ibrahim Halil; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0003-4546-9227
2022Impact of Imidacloprid Resistance on the Demographic Traits and Expressions of Associated Genes in Aphis gossypii GloverUllah, Farman; Xu, Xiao; Gul, Hina; Guncan, Ali; Hafeez, Muhammad; Gao, Xiwu; Song, Dunlun; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0001-6174-1425; 0000-0003-1765-648X; 0000-0002-5260-0644
2008Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer-use recommendations for winter wheat in a Mediterranean-type environment using tissue nitrate testingKorkmaz, K.; Ibrikci, H.; Ryan, J.; Buyuk, G.; Guzel, N.; Karnez, E.; Oguz, H.; Yagbasanlar, T.; Ordu Üniversitesi; 0000-0002-0522-3188