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Title: Alternatif Çatının Vektörel Moment Eğrileri Üzerine
Authors: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şenyurt, Süleyman
Şardağ, Hülya
Ordu Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Keywords: Alternatif çatı, vektörel moment, sabit genişlikli eğri çifti,Alternative frame, vectorial moment, constant width curve pair.
Alternatif çatı, vektörel moment, sabit genişlikli eğri çifti,Alternative frame, vectorial moment, constant width curve pair.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Abstract: Bu çalışma altı bölüm halinde düzenlenmiştir. Giriş bölümünde çalışmanın amacı ve konunun ele alınma nedeni tartışıldı. Önceki Çalışmalar bölümünde Alternatif çatı, vektörel moment eğrileri ve sabit genişlikli eğri çifti ile ilgili çalışmalara yer verildi. Materyal ve Yöntem bölümünde, 3- boyutlu Öklid uzayına ait temel kavramlar, Alternatif çatı ile ilgili temel bilgilere yer verildi. Daha sonra Öklid uzayında vektörel moment eğrileri ve sabit genişlikli eğri çifti ile ilgili temel kavramlar ifade edildi. Bulgular Bölümü çalışmamızın orijinal kısmını oluşturmaktadır. Bu bölümde ilk olarak, Alternatif çatı vektörlerinin oluşturduğu vektörel moment eğrileri tanımlanıp, bu eğrilerin Frenet aparatları hesaplandı. Daha sonra bu eğrilerin sabit genişlikli eğri çiftine dahil olup olmadığı hesaplandı. Word programı kullanılarak elde edilen eğrilerin çizimleri yapıldı.,This thesis is organized into six sections. In the introduction, the aim of the study and the reason for its handling are discussed. In preliminaries we mentioned those of works which are used through this study. In the material and method section we clarify the basic concepts of Euclidean 3-space, alternative Frenet frame and alternative Darboux vector. Then, we explain the curve pairs having constant width. Discussion and results section is the original part of our study. In this section, the curves drawn by the moment vectors of the alternative frame vectors are first defined. After that the Frenet vectors and the curvatures of these defined curves are calculated. Subsequently we give the decision whether these curves are included in the constant-width curve pairs or not. At last the curves we obtained are drawn using the word program.
This thesis is organized into six sections. In the introduction, the aim of the study and the reason for its handling are discussed. In preliminaries we mentioned those of works which are used through this study. In the material and method section we clarify the basic concepts of Euclidean 3-space, alternative Frenet frame and alternative Darboux vector. Then, we explain the curve pairs having constant width. Discussion and results section is the original part of our study. In this section, the curves drawn by the moment vectors of the alternative frame vectors are first defined. After that the Frenet vectors and the curvatures of these defined curves are calculated. Subsequently we give the decision whether these curves are included in the constant-width curve pairs or not. At last the curves we obtained are drawn using the word program.
Description: 10270211
Appears in Collections:Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

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10270211.pdfThis thesis is organized into six sections. In the introduction, the aim of the study and the reason for its handling are discussed. In preliminaries we mentioned those of works which are used through this study. In the material and method section we clarify the basic concepts of Euclidean 3-space, alternative Frenet frame and alternative Darboux vector. Then, we explain the curve pairs having constant width. Discussion and results section is the original part of our study. In this section, the curves drawn by the moment vectors of the alternative frame vectors are first defined. After that the Frenet vectors and the curvatures of these defined curves are calculated. Subsequently we give the decision whether these curves are included in the constant-width curve pairs or not. At last the curves we obtained are drawn using the word program.1.88 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail

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