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Title: Çay ve İşleme Ürünlerinin Hasat Dönemlerine ve Yetiştirme Tekniklerine Bağlı Olarak Besin İçeriğindeki Değişimler
Authors: Prof. Dr. Bender Özenç, Damla
Çakmak, Müslüm Koray
Ordu Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Keywords: Besin İçerikleri, Çay Çöpü, Siyah Çay, Yetiştiricilik, Yaş Çay
Black Tea, Cultuvation, Fresh Tea, Plant Nutrient, Tea Litter
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Abstract: Bu çalışmada, geleneksel ve organik yöntemlerle yetiştiricilik yapılan çay bitkisi ve işleme ürünlerinin besin elementi içerikleri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, Rize ili Pazarköy ve Hemşin ilçelerinden üç farklı sürgün döneminde hasat edilerek Çaykur’a ait fabrikalara getirilen yaş çay bitkileri kullanılmıştır. Her hasat döneminde işlenmiş çay bitkilerinden siyah çay ve eleme işlemine tabi tutulmuş (2. eleme-çöp çay) örnekleri de alınmış; yaş çay, siyah çay ve çay çöpünde besin elementi içeriklerindeki değişimler ortaya konulmuştur. Her iki çay yetiştiriciliği yapılan bahçe toprakları kumlu tınlı bünyeli, kuvvetli asit, organik madde miktarı yüksek olup, tuzluluk sorunu bulunmamaktadır. Topraklar N kapsamı bakımından noksan, P kapsamı yüksek olurken, K kapsamı geleneksel yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı bahçede orta, organik yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı bahçede yüksek olarak bulunmuştur. Toprakların Fe ve Mn kapsamlarının fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Cu ve Zn kapsamları yetiştirme tekniklerine göre farklılık göstermiş; geleneksel yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı bahçede az, organik yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı bahçede fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Çay örneklerinin toplam N ve K içeriği, geleneksel yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı sürgün dönemindeki yaş çay örneklerinde en yüksek olup, yeter ve fazla sınıfında yer almış; çayın işlememe ürünlerine göre sırasıyla % 4 ile % 58 ve % 17 ile % 32 oranında kayıplar meydana gelmiştir. Toplam P içeriğinde ise, geleneksel yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı sürgün dönemindeki siyah çay örneklerinde en yüksek olup fazla sınıfında yer almıştır. En düşük P içeriği ise organik yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı sürgün dönemindeki çay çöpünde bulunmuştur. Çay örneklerinin Fe, Mn ve Cu kapsamları siyah çay örneklerinde, Zn kapsamı ise çay çöpünde daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Fe içeriği, organik yetiştiriciliğin sürgün döneminde, Mn içeriği her iki yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı 3.cü sürgün döneminde en yüksek bulunmuştur. En yüksek Cu içeriği, organik yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı ve 3.cü sürgün dönemlerinde üretilen siyah çay örneklerinde, en yüksek Zn içeriği ise geleneksel yetiştiriciliğin yapıldığı sürgün döneminde üretilen çay çöpü örneklerinde tespit edilmiştir.,In this study, the nutrient content of the tea plant and processing products, which were cultivated by traditional and organic methods, were investigated. For this purpose, fresh tea plants which were taken from Çaykur factories, were harvested in three different shooting periods in Pazarköy and Hemşin districts of Rize province. Black tea from processed tea plants and sieving (2nd sieving- tea litter) samples were taken during each harvest period; changes in the nutrient content of all tea products were shown. Both tea cultivation soils were sandy loam structure, strongly acid, organic matter is high in quantity, and there was no salinity problem. While the N content of the soils were lack and the P content was high, the K content was found to be medium in the garden where the traditional cultivation, and high in the garden where the organic cultivation. It was determined that the soils were high in terms of Fe and Mn contents. Cu and Zn contents were differed according to cultivation techniques; It was found to be low in the garden where the traditional cultivation, and high in the garden where organic cultivation. The total N and K content of the tea samples were highest in the fresh tea in the 1st shooting period in which traditional cultivation and they were classificated in the sufficient and more. According to fresh tea, there were losses of 4%, 58% and 17% and 32%, respectively. In the total P content, it was the highest in the black tea samples in the 1st shooting period in which traditional cultivation and it was included in the more class. The lowest P content was found in the tea litter during the 2nd shooting period in which organic cultivation. Fe, Mn and Cu contents of tea samples were higher in black tea samples, and Zn content was found to be higher in tea litter. Fe content was highest in the 1st shooting period of organic cultivation, while Mn content was highest in the 3rd shooting period of both cultivations. The highest Cu content was determined in the black tea samples produced during the 2nd and 3rd shooting period in which the organic cultivation, while the highest Zn content was determined in the tea litter samples produced in the 1st shooting period in which the traditional cultivation.
In this study, the nutrient content of the tea plant and processing products, which were cultivated by traditional and organic methods, were investigated. For this purpose, fresh tea plants which were taken from Çaykur factories, were harvested in three different shooting periods in Pazarköy and Hemşin districts of Rize province. Black tea from processed tea plants and sieving (2nd sieving- tea litter) samples were taken during each harvest period; changes in the nutrient content of all tea products were shown. Both tea cultivation soils were sandy loam structure, strongly acid, organic matter is high in quantity, and there was no salinity problem. While the N content of the soils were lack and the P content was high, the K content was found to be medium in the garden where the traditional cultivation, and high in the garden where the organic cultivation. It was determined that the soils were high in terms of Fe and Mn contents. Cu and Zn contents were differed according to cultivation techniques; It was found to be low in the garden where the traditional cultivation, and high in the garden where organic cultivation. The total N and K content of the tea samples were highest in the fresh tea in the 1st shooting period in which traditional cultivation and they were classificated in the sufficient and more. According to fresh tea, there were losses of 4%, 58% and 17% and 32%, respectively. In the total P content, it was the highest in the black tea samples in the 1st shooting period in which traditional cultivation and it was included in the more class. The lowest P content was found in the tea litter during the 2nd shooting period in which organic cultivation. Fe, Mn and Cu contents of tea samples were higher in black tea samples, and Zn content was found to be higher in tea litter. Fe content was highest in the 1st shooting period of organic cultivation, while Mn content was highest in the 3rd shooting period of both cultivations. The highest Cu content was determined in the black tea samples produced during the 2nd and 3rd shooting period in which the organic cultivation, while the highest Zn content was determined in the tea litter samples produced in the 1st shooting period in which the traditional cultivation.
Appears in Collections:Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

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