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dc.contributor.advisorProf. Dr. Bender Özenç, Damla-
dc.contributor.authorYazıcı, Şaziye-
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada, Trabzon İli Beşikdüzü İlçesi’nde farklı rakımda ve farklı arazi kullanımı altındaki toprakların fiziko-kimyasal özellikleri ve verimlilik durumunun belirlenmesi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla araştırma sahasında, iki farklı arazi kullanım şeklinden (fındık ve orman) fizyografik koşullara göre ilçeyi temsil edecek 20 mahalle değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Sahil ve orta kolda bulunan 12 mahallede fındık alanlarından, yüksek kolda bulunan 8 mahallede fındık-orman alanlarından toprak örneklemesi yapılmıştır. İki farklı derinlik kademesinden (0-30 cm, 30-60 cm) alınan toprak örneklerinde, bünye, hacim ağırlığı, nem sabiteleri, havalanma yüzdesi, makro ve mikro por yüzdesi, hidrolik iletkenlik gibi fiziksel özellikler, pH, organik madde, kireç, elektriksel iletkenlik gibi kimyasal özellikler belirlenmiştir. Araştırma alanının verimlilik durumunu ortaya koymak için toplam azot, bitkiye yarayışlı fosfor, alınabilir potasyum ve toplam demir, mangan, bakır ve çinko besin elementi analizleri yapılmıştır. Sahil ve orta kol yer alan fındık arazileri tın, kil tın ve kumlu tın, yüksek kolda bulunan orman alanları kumlu killi tın ve kumlu tın bünye hakimdir. Toprak hacim ağırlığı fındık arazilerinde orman alanlarına göre daha çıkmıştır. Her iki arazi için tüm rakımlarda topraklar hafif asit reaksiyonlu, kireçsiz ve tuzluluk sorunu taşımamaktadır. Organik madde miktarı fındık arazilerinde orman alanlarına göre daha düşük çıkmış, genel olarak orta ve yüksek olarak sınıflanmıştır. Toplam azot içeriği fındık arazilerinde yeterli, orman alanlarında daha düşük olmakla birlikte, %59’ u fazla-çok fazla sınıfındadır. Toprakların %32’sinin fosfor içeriği çok fazla, %64’ünün potasyum içeriği çok yüksek sınıfındadır. Mikro besin elementlerinden toprakların tümü demir kapsamı bakımından yeterli, %82’si çinko kapsamı bakımından iyi sınıfındadır. Bakır kapsamı bakımından toprakların tümü yetersiz oluken, mangan kapsamı az-yeter sınıfında eşit dağlılım göstermiştir. Toprakların verimlilik durumları sahilden yüksek rakıma doğru gittikçe artış gösterirken, toprak derinliğine bağlı olarak da azalma meydana geldiği belirlenmiştir.,In this study, the determination of physico-chemical properties and fertility status of soils under different altitude and different land use in Beşikdüzü District of Trabzon Province were investigated. For this purpose, 20 districts representing two different land use types (hazelnut and forest) according to physiographic conditions were evaluated. Soil sampling was done from hazelnut areas in 12 districts in the coastal and middle altitude and from hazelnut-forest areas in 8 districts in the high altitude. In soil samples taken from two different depth levels (0-30 cm, 30-60 cm), physical properties such as texture, bulk density, moisture characteristics, percentage of hydraulic, percentage of macro and micro pores, hydraulic conductivity and chemical properties such as pH, organic matter, lime, electrical conduvtivity were determined. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium for plant, and total iron, manganese, copper and zinc nutrient elements analyzes were carried out in order to reveal the productivity of the research area. The hazelnut lands located in the coastal and middle altitudes are dominated by loam, clay loam and sandy loam, and forest areas located in the high altitude are sandy clay loam and sandy loam. Soil bulk density is higher in hazelnut lands compared to forest areas. Soils at all altitudes for both lands have mild acid reaction, lime-free and no salinity problems. The amount of organic matter content was lower in hazelnut lands compared to forest areas and generally classified as medium and high. Total nitrogen content was sufficient in hazelnut lands and lower in forest areas, even so, 59% was classificated more-too much class. Phosphorus content of 32% of the soils were too much, potassium content of 64% was very high class. All of soils were sufficient in terms of iron content, 82% were good in terms of zinc content. In terms of copper content, all soils were inadequate and manganese content was equally distributed in less-sufficient class. While the fertility of the soils increased from the coast to the higher altitude and decreased depending on the the soildepth.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the determination of physico-chemical properties and fertility status of soils under different altitude and different land use in Beşikdüzü District of Trabzon Province were investigated. For this purpose, 20 districts representing two different land use types (hazelnut and forest) according to physiographic conditions were evaluated. Soil sampling was done from hazelnut areas in 12 districts in the coastal and middle altitude and from hazelnut-forest areas in 8 districts in the high altitude. In soil samples taken from two different depth levels (0-30 cm, 30-60 cm), physical properties such as texture, bulk density, moisture characteristics, percentage of hydraulic, percentage of macro and micro pores, hydraulic conductivity and chemical properties such as pH, organic matter, lime, electrical conduvtivity were determined. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium for plant, and total iron, manganese, copper and zinc nutrient elements analyzes were carried out in order to reveal the productivity of the research area. The hazelnut lands located in the coastal and middle altitudes are dominated by loam, clay loam and sandy loam, and forest areas located in the high altitude are sandy clay loam and sandy loam. Soil bulk density is higher in hazelnut lands compared to forest areas. Soils at all altitudes for both lands have mild acid reaction, lime-free and no salinity problems. The amount of organic matter content was lower in hazelnut lands compared to forest areas and generally classified as medium and high. Total nitrogen content was sufficient in hazelnut lands and lower in forest areas, even so, 59% was classificated more-too much class. Phosphorus content of 32% of the soils were too much, potassium content of 64% was very high class. All of soils were sufficient in terms of iron content, 82% were good in terms of zinc content. In terms of copper content, all soils were inadequate and manganese content was equally distributed in less-sufficient class. While the fertility of the soils increased from the coast to the higher altitude and decreased depending on the the soildepth.en_US
dc.publisherFen Bilimleri Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectArazi Kullanımı, Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikler, Besin İçerikleri,Land Use, Physico-Chemical Properties, Nutrient Contentsen_US
dc.subjectLand Use, Physico-Chemical Properties, Nutrient Contentsen_US
dc.titleTrabzon İli Beşikdüzü İlçesinde Farklı Arazi Kullanımı Altındaki Toprakların Özellikleri ve Verimlilik Durumunun Belirlenmesien_US
dc.contributor.departmentOrdu Üniversitesien_US
dc.contributor.departmentFen Bilimleri Enstitüsüen_US
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