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Title: The Etiology and Clinical Follow-up of Patients with Acute Viral Hepatitis in an Adult Population: A Prospective Multi-center Study
Authors: Tosun, Selma
Albayrak, Ayse
Durmus, Gul
Altas, Irem Cetin
Ozel, Ayse Serra
Tulek, Necla
Kadanali, Ayten
Erol, Serpil
Yildirim, Arzu Altuncekic
Ceran, Nurgul
Dagli, Ozgur
Olut, Ali Ilgin
Ordu Üniversitesi
Keywords: Acute viral hepatitis; hepatitis A virus; hepatitis B virus
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Tosun, S., Albayrak, A., Durmus, G., Altas, IC., Ozel, AS., Tulek, N., Kadanali, A., Erol, S., Yildirim, AA., Ceran, N., Dagli, O., Olut, AI. (2021). The Etiology and Clinical Follow-up of Patients with Acute Viral Hepatitis in an Adult Population: A Prospective Multi-center Study. Viral Hepatit Dergisi-Viral Hepatitis Journal, 27(2), 36-41.Doi:10.4274/vhd.galenos.2021.2021-3-1
Abstract: Objectives: To assess the causes, patient characteristics, clinical follow-up of acute viral hepatitis in adults. Materials and Methods: This prospective study is conducted in acute viral hepatitis patients from different centers across Turkey. Results: From 8 hospitals in 6 provinces, 75 patients (59 males/79%) between 20 and 69 years of age (mean age: 34.65 +/- 11.82 years) with proven viral hepatitis were included into the study. There were 54 (72%) patients with acute hepatitis B virus (HBV), 19 (25%) with acute hepatitis A virus (HAV), 1 (1.3%) with acute Epstein-Barr virus, and 1 (1.3%) with acute cytomegalovirus infection. Patients between 23-33 years of age represented that greater majority of the patient group (41.3%), followed by those between 34 and 43 years of age (20%). The mean age among acute HAV patients, i.e. 27 +/- 5.7 years (20-38 y) was significantly (p<0.001) lower than the mean age of 37.6 +/- 12.2 years (20-69 y) acute HBV group. Of 51 isolated acute HBV patients: 44 (86%) developed immunity during the follow up [anti-hepatitis B core antibody immunoglobulin G (anti-HBc IgG) and anti-HBs positivity], while isolated anti-HBc IgG positivity persisted in 4 patients (8%) and 3 patients (%6) were considered as chronic HBV infection due to persistence of hepatitis B surface antigen positivity beyond 6 months. Conclusion: Acute HBV infection remains an important health problem in our country, and horizontal and sexual transmission became the predominant routes of transmission for HBV. Also, acute HAV infection is a prevalent condition in young adults.
Description: WoS Categories : Medicine, General & Internal Web of Science Index : Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Research Areas : General & Internal Medicine Open Access Designations : gold
ISBN: 1307-9441
Appears in Collections:Dahili Tıp Bilimleri

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