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Title: Karşıt Dil Grupları İçinde Yer Alan Türkçe ve Fransızca'nın Genel Sözdizim Özellikleri Üzerine
Authors: Aydın, İlker
Ordu Üniversitesi
Keywords: French Language
Generative Grammar
Turkish Language
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Dilbilim
Citation: Dilbilim, XIV, 65-86, 2005
Abstract: This research is about sentence structures of Turkish and French languages which are in different language groups, presents grammatical rules of these two languages, put forward match and dismatch syntax characteristics and gives a diffrent point of view for teachers and students of these languages by using the method of tree- diagram which was gained from generative grammer for linguistic resources with the representative N. Chomsky and will be evaluated in contrastive linguistic boundries. In both languages, deep structure and covered ties are same. But, Turkish language differs from French language at syntactic unit in which complement takes place before verb, takes inflectional suffix, has reducing expression and builds possessive construction with genitive and possessive sufftxs. Besides, tree-diagram method takes on as a model function shows syntagmatic structures and hierarchic bonds in sentences of these two languages.
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