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dc.contributor.advisorMazı, Bekir Gökçen-
dc.contributor.advisorProf. Dr. Ergen Akçin, Öznur-
dc.contributor.authorUzunömeroğlu, Hüseyin Ümit-
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada Ordu ili için endemik olan Lilium akkusianum türü morfolojik, anatomik, mikromorfolojik ve bazı biyokimyasal özellikleri bakımından ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. L. akkusianum türü çok yıllık ve gösterişli çiçeklere sahip soğanlı bir bitkidir. Tür Ordu ili Akkuş ilçesi çevresi ve Tokat sınırında yayılış gösteren lokal endemik bir türdür. Anatomik incelemeler için L. akkusianum türünün kök, soğan, gövde, yaprak, çiçek ve meyve kısımları %70 etil alkol içerisinde muhafaza edilmiştir. Anatomik özellikleri belirleyebilmek için bitkilerden enine ve yüzeysel kesitler alınmıştır. Mikromorfolojik incelemeler için örneklerinin yaprak, çiçek, meyve ve tohum kısımları taramalı elektron mikroskobu ile incelenmiştir. Toprak altı kısımlar, gövde, yaprak, çiçek ve meyvelerin fenolik bileşenleri yüksek basınçlı sıvı kromatografisi ile karbon, azot, hidrojen ve kükürt elementi içerikleri mikro elementel analiz cihazı ile belirlenmiştir. Toprak altı kısımlar, gövde, yaprak ve çiçek örneklerinin uçucu bileşenleri gaz kromatografisi/kütle spektrometresi ile tespit edilmiştir. Türün kök yapısı poliarktır. Soğanlar konsantrik tipte ve kirli beyaz renktedir. Yapraklar dorsiventral ve hipostomatik tiptedir. Stoma hücreleri komşu hücrelerine göre 4. tiptir. Alt yüzey için stoma indeksi 23.19 olarak bulunmuştur. Çiçekler krem renkli, taban kısımlarına doğru koyu beneklidir. Tepallerin taban kısımlarında nektar yapısı bulunmaktadır. Ovaryum eksensel plesantalanmalıdır. Meyve kapsül şeklindedir. Tohum yassı ve ince zarımsı kanatlıdır. Tepal, meyve ve tohum yüzeyi retikulat tiptedir. En yüksek fenolik madde içeriği toprak altı kısmında belirlenmiştir. Çiçekte 30, toprak altı kısmında 29 uçucu madde tespit edilmiştir. Çiçekte en fazla bulunan uçucu bileşik β-Tuyon (%23.35) olarak belirlenmiştir. En yüksek karbon düzeyi gövdede, en yüksek azot yapraklarda, en yüksek hidrojen ise toprak altı kısımlarda gözlenmiştir. Kükürt elementi sadece yaprakta belirlenmiştir.,In this study, Lilium akkusianum species, which is endemic to Ordu province, was examined in detail in terms of morphological, anatomical, micromorphological and some biochemical features. L. akkusianum is a perennial bulbous plant with showy flowers. The species is a locally endemic species that spreads around the Akkuş district of Ordu province and the border of Tokat. Root, bulb, stem, leaf, bract, flower and fruit parts of L. akkusianum were preserved in 70% ethanol for anatomical examinations. Cross and surface sections were taken from plants to determine anatomical features. Leaf, flower, fruit and seed parts of the samples were examined by scanning electron microscope for micromorphological examinations. The phenolic components of underground parts, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography and the contents of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulfur element were determined by micro elemental analysis device. Volatile components of underground parts, stem, leaf and flower samples were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The root structure of the species is polyarch. Bulbs are concentric type and dirty white. Leaves are dorsiventral and hypostomatic type. Stoma cells are the 4th type according to stoma neighbor cells. The stoma index for the lower surface was found to be 23.19. The flowers are cream-colored, with dark spots towards the base. There is a nectar structure at the base of the tepals. The ovary has axial placentation. The fruit is capsules type. The seed is flat and has thin membranous wings. Tepal, fruit and seed surface are of reticulate type. The highest phenolic content was determined in the underground part. 30 volatile substances were detected in the flower and 29 in the underground part. The most abundant volatile compound in the flower was determined as β-Thujone (23.35%). The highest carbon level was observed in the stem, the highest nitrogen in the leaves, and the highest hydrogen in the underground parts. The element sulfur was determined only in the leaf.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, Lilium akkusianum species, which is endemic to Ordu province, was examined in detail in terms of morphological, anatomical, micromorphological and some biochemical features. L. akkusianum is a perennial bulbous plant with showy flowers. The species is a locally endemic species that spreads around the Akkuş district of Ordu province and the border of Tokat. Root, bulb, stem, leaf, bract, flower and fruit parts of L. akkusianum were preserved in 70% ethanol for anatomical examinations. Cross and surface sections were taken from plants to determine anatomical features. Leaf, flower, fruit and seed parts of the samples were examined by scanning electron microscope for micromorphological examinations. The phenolic components of underground parts, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography and the contents of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulfur element were determined by micro elemental analysis device. Volatile components of underground parts, stem, leaf and flower samples were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The root structure of the species is polyarch. Bulbs are concentric type and dirty white. Leaves are dorsiventral and hypostomatic type. Stoma cells are the 4th type according to stoma neighbor cells. The stoma index for the lower surface was found to be 23.19. The flowers are cream-colored, with dark spots towards the base. There is a nectar structure at the base of the tepals. The ovary has axial placentation. The fruit is capsules type. The seed is flat and has thin membranous wings. Tepal, fruit and seed surface are of reticulate type. The highest phenolic content was determined in the underground part. 30 volatile substances were detected in the flower and 29 in the underground part. The most abundant volatile compound in the flower was determined as β-Thujone (23.35%). The highest carbon level was observed in the stem, the highest nitrogen in the leaves, and the highest hydrogen in the underground parts. The element sulfur was determined only in the leaf.en_US
dc.publisherFen Bilimleri Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectAnatomi, Fenolik Bileşik, Liliaceae, Lilium akkusianum, Mikromorfoloji, Morfoloji, Uçucu Bileşen,Anatomy, phenolic compound, Liliaceae, Lilium akkusianum, micromorphology, morphology, volatile componenten_US
dc.subjectAnatomi, Fenolik Bileşik, Liliaceae, Lilium akkusianum, Mikromorfoloji, Morfoloji, Uçucu Bileşen,Anatomy, phenolic compound, Liliaceae, Lilium akkusianum, micromorphology, morphology, volatile componenten_US
dc.titleOrdu İlinde Yayılış Gösteren Endemik Lilium Akkusianum R. Gamperle Türünün Morfolojik, Anatomik, Mikromorfolojik ve Bazı Biyokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesien_US
dc.title.alternativeDetermınatıon Of Morphologıcal, Anatomıcal, Mıcromorphologıcal And Some Bıochemıcal Propertıes Of Endemıc Lilium Akkusianum R. Gamperle Specıes Dıstrıbuted In Ordu Provınceen_US
dc.contributor.departmentOrdu Üniversitesien_US
dc.contributor.departmentFen Bilimleri Enstitüsüen_US
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