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dc.contributor.authorAydın, Engin-
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada, altı çeşit kaşar peyniri üretilmiş olup bu peynirlerden beş tanesi ot katkılı olup, bir tanesi ot ilavesiz (kontrol) peynir olarak belirlenmiştir. Isırgan, maydanoz, mendek, nane ve roka otları kurutularak 0,1-0,3 cm partikül büyüklüğünde parçalanmak suretiyle süte göre %0,1 olacak şekilde peynir pıhtısına ilave edilmiştir. Üretimi gerçekleştirilen kaşar peynirleri vakum paketleme yapılarak 7±1°C’de 3 ay süre boyunca olgunlaştırılmaya bırakılmış, bu süre zarfında 3., 30., 60. ve 90. günlerinde kaşar peynirlerden alınan numunelerle kuru madde, pH, yağ, titrasyon asitliği, tuz, toplam protein, olgunlaşma oranı, protein olmayan azot oranı (NPN), tekstürel özellikler, elektroforetik kazein fraksiyonları ve duyusal analizleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak peynir çeşidi ve olgunlaşma süresi bakımından karşılaştırılmıştır. Kuru madde, pH, yağ, titrasyon asitliği, tuz, toplam protein, olgunlaşma oranı, suda çözünen azot (SÇA) ve protein olmayan azot oranı (NPN) değerlerinde olgunlaşma süresince farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Tekstür profil analizinin dış yapışkanlık, iç yapışkanlık ve elastikiyet parametrelerini peynir çeşidi bakımından etkisini olmadığı gözlemlenmiş olup istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmamış (P˃0.10) olup, olgunlaşma süresi bakımından farklılıkların olduğu bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Panelistler tarafından gerçekleştirilen duyusal değerlendirme sonucunda taze peynire göre olgunlaştırılmış peynirler daha fazla beğeni kazanmıştır. Ayrıca nane ve maydanoz ot katkılı kaşar peynirleri diğer peynirlere oranla daha çok beğeni sağlamıştır.,In this study, six types of Kashar cheese, five with added herbs and one without any additives, which is determined as a control sample were produced. Dry dead nettle, parsley, lemon balm, mint and arugula herbs were added to cheese clot in proportion as 0.1% amounting to 0,1-0,3 cm split particles depending on the milk used. Then, all the cheeses were vacuum-packed and ripened at 7±1°C for 3 months, and their dry matter, fat, pH, titratable acidity, salt, total protein, ripening rate, nonprotein nitrogen rate (NPN), amino nitrogen rate, textural characteristics, electrophoretic casein fractions were analyzed by taking samples from the cheeses on the 3rd, 30th, 60th and 90th days of the ripening. The results were statistically compared in terms of cheese type and ripening period. During the ripening process, variations in dry matter, pH, titratable acidity, salt, total protein, ripening proportion, water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and non-protein nitrogen rates were determined. It was observed that neither cohesiveness, adhesiveness and elastical parameters of texture profile differed in terms of cheese type, nor important statistical dıfference was identified (P˃0.10), differences regarding ripening process found out though (P<0.05). As a result of sensory evaluation made by panelists, ripened kashar cheeses had more acceptability than fresh kashar cheeses. Finally, mint and parsley added cheeses were preferred over other cheeses.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, six types of Kashar cheese, five with added herbs and one without any additives, which is determined as a control sample were produced. Dry dead nettle, parsley, lemon balm, mint and arugula herbs were added to cheese clot in proportion as 0.1% amounting to 0,1-0,3 cm split particles depending on the milk used. Then, all the cheeses were vacuum-packed and ripened at 7±1°C for 3 months, and their dry matter, fat, pH, titratable acidity, salt, total protein, ripening rate, nonprotein nitrogen rate (NPN), amino nitrogen rate, textural characteristics, electrophoretic casein fractions were analyzed by taking samples from the cheeses on the 3rd, 30th, 60th and 90th days of the ripening. The results were statistically compared in terms of cheese type and ripening period. During the ripening process, variations in dry matter, pH, titratable acidity, salt, total protein, ripening proportion, water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and non-protein nitrogen rates were determined. It was observed that neither cohesiveness, adhesiveness and elastical parameters of texture profile differed in terms of cheese type, nor important statistical dıfference was identified (P˃0.10), differences regarding ripening process found out though (P<0.05). As a result of sensory evaluation made by panelists, ripened kashar cheeses had more acceptability than fresh kashar cheeses. Finally, mint and parsley added cheeses were preferred over other cheeses.en_US
dc.publisherFen Bilimleri Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectKashar Cheese, Herb, Ripening Criteria,Kaşar Peynir, Ot, Olgunlaşma Kriteri.en_US
dc.titleKaşar Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılan Farklı Ot Türlerinin Olgunlaşmaya Etkilerinin Araştırılmasıen_US
dc.contributor.departmentOrdu Üniversitesien_US
dc.contributor.departmentFen Bilimleri Enstitüsüen_US
Appears in Collections:Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

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