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- M phi A-P-function; Hermite-Hadamard type inequality 1
- m-Geometrically Convex; Hadamard-Type Inequalities; Holder Inequality 1
- M. Pavet de Courteille, Dictionaire Türk Oriantal, Lexiocological, Turcology, Turcologist,M. Pavet De Courteille, Dictionaire Türk‐Oriantal , leksikolojik, Türkoloji, Türkolog 1
- M. Şevket Esendal 1
- M3ST, Mathematical Modelling, Model Eliciting Activities, Statistical Reasoning 1
- Machine learning, Python Programming, Wind Power Plant, Renewable Energy, Data Mining, Data Preprocessing. 1
- Macrofungi, Mineral, Vegetation 1
- Macromomomer; Poly beta-alanine; Brush-type graft copolymer; Hydrogen transfer polymerization; Grafting through 1
- Macrostructure 2
- Mad honey, R, ponticum bee pollen, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Phytochemical analysis 1
- Mad honey; health; alternative treatment; toxin; poisoning 1
- Madde Bağımlılığı, Madde Bağımlılığından Korunma, Öz Yeterlilik, Duygusal Öz Yeterlilik, Çözüm Odaklı Düşünme 1
- Madde Temelli Kalibrasyon 1
- Magnetic resonance imaging; dental amalgam; x-ray diffraction 1
- Magnolia grandiflora L., Magnolia, Ünye, Patch-budding, Chip-budding 1
- Magnolia grandiflora L., Manolya, Ünye, Yama göz aşısı, Yongalı göz aşısı 1
- Mahaleb cherry, Medicinal plants, Mineral composition 1
- Mahiyet 1
- Main idea, Reader Response Theory, Text 1