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- Ahi, Dervish Lodges, Foundation, Farm, Mosque,Ahi, Zaviye, Vakıf, Çiftlik, Mescit 1
- Ahiret, Amel, Ceza, Amel Defteri, Kirâmen Kâtibîn,Hereafter, Action, criminal, Action Deeds, Kirâmen Kâtibîn 1
- Ahkam Book, Trabzon, Court 2
- Ahkam Defteri, Trabzon, Mahkeme 2
- Ahmed Vesim Pasha, Abdulaziz, II. Abdulhamid, Ottoman Navy, Captain-ı Derya 1
- Ahmed Vesim Paşa, Abdülaziz, II. Abdülhamid, Osmanlı Donanması, Kaptan-ı Derya 1
- Ahır gübresi, besin elementi, biyokömür, enzim aktivitesi, mikrobiyal aktivite, Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,Stall fertility, nutrient, biochar, enzyme activity, microbial activity, Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. 1
- Aile planlaması, endişe, kadın, hemşirelik.,Family planning, worry, woman, nursing. 1
- Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of animation-assisted menstruation education given to boarding secondary school students. Material and Method: The study was quasi-experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest experimental model on female students studying at Borsa Istanbul Regional Boarding Secondary School in Akkuş district of Ordu province between 01 May 2023 and 01 January 2024. The population of the study consisted of 49 female students studying at Akkuş Borsa İstanbul Regional Boarding Secondary School, and the sample consisted of 43 students who met the research criteria and agreed to participate in the study and whose parents gave consent. The study data were collected with "Personal Information Form" and "Knowledge Test". In the study, female students were given animation-supported menstruation training for an average of 30 minutes once a week for 4 weeks. The data of the study were evaluated by descriptive statistics, Paired Two Sample t test, McNemar test, Linear Regression analysis and ANCOVA test. Institutional permission and ethics committee approval were obtained for the study. Results: In the study, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean menstruation education knowledge test pre-test and post-test scores of the students (p<0.001). While the mean score of the pre-test knowledge test was 11.88, the mean score of the post-test was 18.28. It was determined that experiencing menstruation and father's education status affected the students' knowledge test success score (p<0.05). Conclusions: In the study, it was found that the menstruation education given with animation support to students studying in boarding secondary education increased the knowledge test scores of the students. It was determined that the students' knowledge test achievement score was affected by the status of experiencing menstruation and the educational status of their fathers. 1
- Air quality, PM10, SO2, Ordu city, Probability 1
- airflow speed, energy harvesting, piezoelectric, transducer angle, vehicle 1
- Airway ExtubationAnesthesia, GeneralBleeding TimeBlood CoagulationNeuromuscular Blockade 1
- Aitken Model, Least Squares, Linear Unbiased Estimator, Colinearity, Multiple Regression, Random Rotation, Multivariate Analysis, Singular Value Decomposition, Orthogonality, Correlation, Anova,Aitken Modeli, En Küçük Kareler, Lineer Yansız Tahmin Edici, DoğrudaĢlık, Çoklu Regresyon, Rasgele Dönme, Çok DeğiĢkenli Analiz, Singüler Değer AyrıĢımı, Ortogonallik, Korelasyon, Anova. 1
- Akademik Başarı 1
- Akademik Başarı, Algı Değişimi, Broşür Kitapçık, Çevre Eğitimi, Yardımcı Materyal 1
- Akademik Başarı, Analoji, Fen Eğitimi, Meta-Analiz, Tutum 1
- Akademik başarı, Biçimlendirici değerlendirme, Fen eğitimi, Plickers, Tutum, Web 2.0 teknoloji. 1
- Akademik Başarı, Fen Bilimleri, Kalıcılık, Yavaş Geçişli Animasyon Tekniği. 1
- Akademik Başarı, Fen Eğitimi,, Tutum, Web 2.0 Teknolojisi 1
- Akademik özyeterlik, Kurum bakımı, Okul başarısı, Okul tükenmişliği. 1