Kentleşme faaliyetlerinin giderek hız kazandığı günümüzde; parkların niteliği, niceliği, yeterliliği, uygunluğu ve ulaşılabilirliği kent insanı için giderek çok daha önemli hale gelmiştir. Parklar geçmişten günümüze, döneminin koşulları gereği politik veya toplumsal gücün bir simgesi olma, dinsel veya törensel heyecana dalış gibi sürekli farklı bir anlam ve işlev üstlenmiştir. Bu anlam ve işlevlerinin ötesinde parklar, kent içerisinde birer açık alan olarak bulundukları bölgede insan hareketliliğini artırarak, alana ekonomik ve sosyal kazançlar sağlama, kentlerin fiziksel karakterinin şekillenmesinde ve hava kirliliğinin azaltılmasında rol oynayabilmek gibi birçok işlevi de yerine getirirler. Ancak parkların bu beklentileri karşılayabilmeleri fiziksel veya toplumsal çevre özellikleri dikkate alındığında mümkün olabilir.
Bu çalışmada Giresun’da yer alan 43 adet park konu alınarak; çağına ayak uyduran, toplumun her kesiminden bireye hizmet verebilen, kente özgü parkların oluşturulması yolunda çevresel ve toplumsal özelliklerin önemine değinilmiştir. Bu amaçla 50x50 cm mekânsal çözünürlüğe sahip uydu görüntüsü coğrafi bilgi sistemleri (CBS) ortamında işlenerek analizler gerçekleştirilmiş olup, parklar arazi gözlem ve değerlendirme formları ile tasarım kriterleri açısından irdelenmiştir. Ayrıca parkların kullanıcı profili, kullanıcıların parkları kullanım özellikleri, ihtiyaçları, parklardan memnuniyet düzeyleri parklarda 400 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilen anket çalışması ile tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; mevcut durum ortaya konularak, kent sakinlerinin ihtiyaç, talep ve beklentileri ile geleceğe yönelik yerel yönetimler veya tasarımcılara yardımcı olabilecek öneriler geliştirilmiştir.,The quality, quantity, sufficiency, suitability, and accessibility of parks have become increasingly more important at the present time. Parks have constantly undertaken different sense and function like a sign of political or social force, religious or ritual excitement from past to present because of the condition of its period. Beyond this sense and functions, the parks as an open space in the urban increase mobility of people in their environment. Besides, they have different many functions as providing economic and social benefits to the area, shaping the physical character of the cities and playing a role in decreasing air pollution. However, it can be possible that parks can meet these expectations if physical or social environment properties are considered.
In this study, 43 parks of Giresun city were selected as the subject. Besides, it was mentioned important of the environmental and social characteristics to create the parks special to the city, can serve individual from all walks of life and move with the times. For this purpose, the satellite image that has 50x50 cm spatial resolution was processed in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment and analyses were realized. Also, the user profile of park, usage characteristics, needs, satisfaction levels from parks was determined by a survey conducted with 400 participants in the parks located in the city center. In result, it has been developed proposals that can help local authority and designers in the future according to the needs, demands, and expectations of city-dwellers.
The quality, quantity, sufficiency, suitability, and accessibility of parks have become increasingly more important at the present time. Parks have constantly undertaken different sense and function like a sign of political or social force, religious or ritual excitement from past to present because of the condition of its period. Beyond this sense and functions, the parks as an open space in the urban increase mobility of people in their environment. Besides, they have different many functions as providing economic and social benefits to the area, shaping the physical character of the cities and playing a role in decreasing air pollution. However, it can be possible that parks can meet these expectations if physical or social environment properties are considered.
In this study, 43 parks of Giresun city were selected as the subject. Besides, it was mentioned important of the environmental and social characteristics to create the parks special to the city, can serve individual from all walks of life and move with the times. For this purpose, the satellite image that has 50x50 cm spatial resolution was processed in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment and analyses were realized. Also, the user profile of park, usage characteristics, needs, satisfaction levels from parks was determined by a survey conducted with 400 participants in the parks located in the city center. In result, it has been developed proposals that can help local authority and designers in the future according to the needs, demands, and expectations of city-dwellers.