This experimental study addresses the effect of a multimedia learning environment including the number concepts from 1 to 10 has been implemented on 6 year-old (6072 months) children. The sample consisted of 20 students attending to a preschool. A control and experiment group pre-posttest design is administered. As a result, no statistically significant differences were found on posttest. But the average results of the experimental group scores were higher than the same of control group. It has been observed that the preschool students were not successful on the conversation about number concepts in both groups. In addition, gender was not a significant indicator for children's developments of number concept acquisition. The study provides some interpretations about the effect of multimedia on the increasing performances about the experimental group students which is based on the design features of the multimedia.
WoS Categories: Education & Educational Research
Web of Science Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)