There are just a few information about Dede Karkin's life and actions who had got an important role Islamization and Turkification of Anatolia. The information we've got in our hands came from Vilayatnama and Menakibu'l-Kudsiyye Fi Menasibi'l-Unsiyye. It is hard to determine the right and wrong in the real life of Dede Karkin's cause his life is mixed with truth and myth. We only can take Dede Karkin's life under the truth's light by using historical material with myhtical material. At this point Tahrir Daftar's has got an exceptional place cause they've got information about Saljukian era. So we used Mardin, Marash and Hamid Tahrir Daftar's to determine if Dede Karkin established a religious order and where exactly was he settled in Anatolia. Sources of our research are the Menakibname's mentioned and; 64, TD 117, TD 200 and TD 998 numbered Mardin Daftars, TD 30, TD 51, TD 121, TD 176, TD 438 numbered Hamid Daftars, TD 108, TD 116, TD 168, TD 402, TD 419 Marash Daftars and the MAD (Maliyeden Mudavvar) 3331 Daftar.