In Entomological news volume 128 (page 430) Dr. Horn (2019) reported that Çerçi and Koçak (2017) found Halyomorpha halys at İstanbul, Turkey, 2 September 2017. Dr. Ali Güncan raised the issue that the report by Cerci and Koçak was based on photographic evidence and no voucher specimen was obtained and deposited in a reference collection at the time. Dr. Horn was under the mistaken impression that a collected specimen existed because locality and date accompanied the record. Since there was no specimen collected at the time, the report by Cerci and Koçak must be considered tentative even though the photograph does appear to be H. halys. Therefore, the report by Güncan and Gümüş (2019) should be considered the first occurrence of H. halys in Turkey, accompanied as it is by voucher specimens deposited at Ordu University, Turkey. We apologize for any oversight and confusion.