Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) plant is lodged after flowering when planted alone, thus, it is generally sown with cereals. Species used in mixture and seeding ratio in the mixture affect hay yield due to competition between crops. A two year field study was conducted to determine the effects of mixture common vetch with oat and triticale on hay yield, quality and competition between the species in Eastern Black Sea Region (Ordu). Aggressivity, competitive ratio and LER were used to assess competition between mixture component. Species was sown monocrops and in common vetch-cereal mixture in three seeding ratios (75:25, 50:50, 25:75, respectively). The plots were harvested vetch was at the lowest pod filling stage, at that time triticale was at flowering and oat was at milk-dough stage. The results of the study showed that hay, crude protein and digestible dry matter yield of mixtures were higher than monocrops. Additionally, yield of mixtures changed with year, but, 50:50 triticale: vetch had more stable yield. Furthermore, A and CR values indicated cereals were more competitive than common vetch when it was rainy in fall and winter. All common vetch- cereal intercrops have yield advantage (LER> 1), but, sowing 50:50 mixtures of common vetch: triticale or oat (LER= 1.4) were found to be the most profitable. 50:50 mixtures of common vetch: triticale or oat should be suggested in similar regions.