Bu tezin amacı, aralık değerli neutrosophic esnek graf kavramını vermek, temel
özelliklerini incelemek ve elde edilen sonuçlar arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır.
Bu çalışma dört ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. 1. bölümde gerekli alt yapıyı
sağlamamıza yardımcı olan ve tez konusuyla bağlantılı birçok çalışmayı ele alan
literatür taramasına yer verilmiştir. 2. bölümde çalışmamızın temelini oluşturan
bulanık küme, neutrosophic küme, esnek küme, graf, esnek graf ve neutrosophic
esnek graf kavramları verilerek bu kavramlarla ilgili teoremler ifade edilmiştir. 3.
bölümde aralık değerli neutrosophic küme ve aralık değerli neutrosophic graf
kavramları verilerek bunlara ait cebirsel özellikler incelenmiştir. 4. bölümde aralık
değerli neutrosophic esnek küme ve aralık değerli neutrosophic esnek graf
kavramları verilerek bunlara ait cebirsel özellikler incelenmiştir. Ayrıca aralık
değerli neutrosophic esnek grafların bir karar verme problemi üzerinde ki
uygulaması ele alınmıştır.,The aim of this thesis is to give the concept of interval valued neutrosophic soft
graph, to examine the basic properties of it and to investigate the relationship
between the obtained results.
This study consist of four main chapters. In chapter 1, a review of the literature that
deals with many studies related to the thesis topic is given to help us to provide the
necessary background. In the Chapter 2, the concepts of fuzzy set, neutrosophic set,
soft set, graph, soft graph and neutrosophic soft graph which are the basis of our
study are given and theorems related to these concepts are stated. In chapter 3, the
concepts of interval valued neutrosophic sets and interval valued neutrosophic graphs
are given and the algebraic properties of them are examined. In the chapter 4, the
concepts of interval valued neutrosophic soft set and interval-valued neutrosophic
soft graph are introduced and the algebraic properties of them are examined. Also,
the application of the interval valued neutrosophic soft graphs on a decision making
problem is discussed.
The aim of this thesis is to give the concept of interval valued neutrosophic soft
graph, to examine the basic properties of it and to investigate the relationship
between the obtained results.
This study consist of four main chapters. In chapter 1, a review of the literature that
deals with many studies related to the thesis topic is given to help us to provide the
necessary background. In the Chapter 2, the concepts of fuzzy set, neutrosophic set,
soft set, graph, soft graph and neutrosophic soft graph which are the basis of our
study are given and theorems related to these concepts are stated. In chapter 3, the
concepts of interval valued neutrosophic sets and interval valued neutrosophic graphs
are given and the algebraic properties of them are examined. In the chapter 4, the
concepts of interval valued neutrosophic soft set and interval-valued neutrosophic
soft graph are introduced and the algebraic properties of them are examined. Also,
the application of the interval valued neutrosophic soft graphs on a decision making
problem is discussed.