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Title: Alabalıklı (Onchorhynchus Mykiss) İçli Köftenin Dondurarak Depolama Boyunca (-18ºC) Renk ve Duyusal Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi
Authors: Prof. Dr. Tokur, Bahar
Güvenin, Demet
Ordu Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Keywords: Color, Fatty Acids, Fatty Acid Composition, Frozen Storage, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Stuffed Meatballs,Dondurarak Depolama, İçli Köfte, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Renk, Yağ Asidi Komposizyonu
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Abstract: Bu çalışmada, iç harcında kırmızı et yerine alabalık kullanılarak üretilen içli köftelerin besinsel komposizyonu belirlenmiş ve dondurularak depolanan (-18 oC) pişirmeye hazır glazeli ve glazesiz örneklerin buzdolabında çözündürüldükten sonra çiğ, haşlama ve kızartma sonrası renk (L*,a* ve b*) ve duyusal kalitesinde meydana gelen değişimler incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, üretilen alabalıklı içli köftenin nem, ham kül, lipit ve ham protein düzeyi sırasıyla %58.25±0.93, %2.01±0.05, %5.28±0.29 ve %7.69± 0.08 olarak bulunmuştur. Alabalıklı içli köftelerin toplam doymuş yağ asitleri (ΣSFA), toplam tek doymamış yağ asitleri (ΣMUFA) ve toplam çok doymamış yağ asitleri (ΣPUFA) miktarları sırasıyla %12.52±0.23, %39.10±1.27 ve %43.73±1.98 olarak saptanmıştır. Çiğ olarak dondurarak depolanan glazeli ve glazesiz örneklerin renk (L*, a* ve b*) değerlendirmesinde, tüm gruplarda (çiğ, haşlama sonrası ve kızartma sonrası) L* (siyah-beyaz) değerinin depolama sonunda başlangıç değerine göre önemli oranda arttığı (p<0.05) bulunmuştur. Dondurarak depolanmış örneklerin depolama boyunca çiğ ve kızarma sonrası glazeli ve glazesiz örnekleri ile haşlama sonrası glazesiz örneklerin a* (yeşil-kırmızı) değerlerinin önemli oranda azaldığı bulunurken (p<0.05), haşlama sonrası glazeli gruplarda önemli bir değişim gözlenmemiştir (p>0.05). Dondurarak depolanmış çiğ glazesiz, haşlanmış glazesiz ve glazeli örnekler ile kızartma sonrası glazesiz örneklerin b* (mavi-sarı) değerinde ise önemli bir azalma saptanırken (p<0.05), çiğ örneklerde önemli bir değişim saptanmamıştır (p>0.05). Kızartma sonrası glazeli örneklerde ölçülen b* değerinde önemli bir azalma saptanmıştır (p<0.05). Bu çalışmada, dondurarak depolama boyunca hem glazeli hem de glazesiz grupların kızartma ve haşlama sonrası tüm duyusal kalite parametrelerinde önemli bir azalma saptansa da depolamanın sonunda tüketilmezlik sınırına ulaşmadığı saptanmıştır.,nsumption at the end of storage.In this study, the changes in color (L *, a * and b *) and sensory quality during the storage (-18 oC) of frozen glazed and unglazed stuffed meatballs produced with trout instead of red meat in inner ingredients were investigated. As a result of this research, the moisture, the crude ash, the lipid and the crude protein contents of stuffed meatballs produced with trout was found as %58.25 ± 0.93, %2.01 ± 0.05, %5.28 ± 0.29 and %7.69± 0.08, respectively. The content of total saturated fatty acids composition (ΣSFA), total mono unsaturated fatty acids composition (ΣMUFA) and total poly unsaturated fatty acids composition (ΣPUFA) was found to be %12.52 ± 0.23, %39.10 ± 1.27 and %43.73 ± 1.98, respectively. In the evaluation of color (L *, a * and b *) of frozen as glazed and unglazed groups, L * (black and white) value significantly increased in all groups (raw, boiled and fried sample after freezing) when compared to the initial and the end of storage value (p <0.05). It was found that the a * (green-red) values of the frozen raw sample, fried after freezing sample with glazed and unglazed, and boiled after freezing with unglazed sample significantly decreased (p<0.05), but no significant change was observed in boiled after freezing with glazed groups (p> 0.05). There was a significant decrease in b * (blue-yellow) values of frozen raw sample with unglazed (p<0.05), while no significant change was observed in raw samples (p>0.05). A significant decrease in b * value was detected in fried after freezing with glazed samples (p<0.05). In this study, sensory quality was evaluated in two ways: boiled and fried, which is the consumption form of stuffed meatballs. It was also emphasized by the panelists that frying was more preferred as a consumption choice. Although a significant decrease was detected in all sensory quality parameters of both glazed and unglazed groups during frozen storage, it was determined that it did not reach the limit of unco
In this study, the changes in color (L *, a * and b *) and sensory quality during the storage (-18 oC) of frozen glazed and unglazed stuffed meatballs produced with trout instead of red meat in inner ingredients were investigated. As a result of this research, the moisture, the crude ash, the lipid and the crude protein contents of stuffed meatballs produced with trout was found as %58.25 ± 0.93, %2.01 ± 0.05, %5.28 ± 0.29 and %7.69± 0.08, respectively. The content of total saturated fatty acids composition (ΣSFA), total mono unsaturated fatty acids composition (ΣMUFA) and total poly unsaturated fatty acids composition (ΣPUFA) was found to be %12.52 ± 0.23, %39.10 ± 1.27 and %43.73 ± 1.98, respectively. In the evaluation of color (L *, a * and b *) of frozen as glazed and unglazed groups, L * (black and white) value significantly increased in all groups (raw, boiled and fried sample after freezing) when compared to the initial and the end of storage value (p <0.05). It was found that the a * (green-red) values of the frozen raw sample, fried after freezing sample with glazed and unglazed, and boiled after freezing with unglazed sample significantly decreased (p<0.05), but no significant change was observed in boiled after freezing with glazed groups (p> 0.05). There was a significant decrease in b * (blue-yellow) values of frozen raw sample with unglazed (p<0.05), while no significant change was observed in raw samples (p>0.05). A significant decrease in b * value was detected in fried after freezing with glazed samples (p<0.05). In this study, sensory quality was evaluated in two ways: boiled and fried, which is the consumption form of stuffed meatballs. It was also emphasized by the panelists that frying was more preferred as a consumption choice. Although a significant decrease was detected in all sensory quality parameters of both glazed and unglazed groups during frozen storage, it was determined that it did not reach the limit of unco
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